Isnin, 11 Oktober 2010

Bubur Oat & Nasi

Breakfast pagi ni, bubur aot dan nasi. Ni untuk aku ngan Ryan ler. Jebat ngan anak2nya lagi 2 ketui tu mmg ler tak makan bubur ni. Diorang makan roti sosej goreng. Apa kisah kan...

Resipi ni aku dapat dari rumah Nurindah. Sesapa dh boring makan nasi, atau dalam keadaan tak sihat tu, elok lah cuba respi ni.

Savoury Oat Porridge atau Bubur oat-dari zalina sumber Quaker Oat

* Spring onions
* Fried onions
* Chillies, sliced

Ingredients :
* 1 cup/90g Quaker Quickcook Oatmeal
* 100g of chicken fillet, sliced
* ½ tsp sesame oil (optional)
* 1 tsp light soy sauce
* Pinch of white pepper
* ½ cup (100g) rice, washed and soaked for 30 minutes
* 1 litre water
* 1 tbsp cooking oil
* Ginger, shredded
* 2 dried mushrooms, soaked, washed and sliced
* 1 small carrot, diced -

Method :
1. Season chicken with sesame oil, light soy sauce and pepper. Set aside.
2. Heat oil in saucepan. Add ginger, dried mushrooms and chicken. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.
3. Add rice, water, Quaker Quickcook Oatmeal and carrots.
4. Cook about 30 minutes until porridge is soft and creamy. If too thick and dry, adjust consistency with additional hot water. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
5. Serve in individual bowls with a dash of sesame oil and light soy sauce. Garnish with spring onions, fried shallots and chillies

***Suka plak Ryan makan bubur ni.. nk cepat besar yer !!!

1 ulasan:

Hello ♥♥
Takmo komen ke? beberapa patah perkataan pun takpe ㋡