Khamis, 1 Julai 2010

Fish Head Vermicelli

Boringnya hari ni, lapar plak tu.. nak masak macam takde mood jer, tapi perut ni tengah lapar. Nk makan megi macam boring jer, nk makan roti sapu jem, aku DAH JEMU...apa nk buat ek???

Rodek punya rodek, aku buat ler respi baru ni.. dapat kat AFC. Mesti ganjil kan kepala ikan wat sup? idak ker bau hanyir? tapi percayalah...takde bau hanyir..yang penting kena pandai masak laa.. cuci bersih2 dulu kepala/tulang ikan tu dengan asam limau dan garam..kemudian rebus...meh tengok dalam english lah yer..

4 cups oil for deep frying
1/2 (300gm) fish head , cut into 4 pieces (i use red snapper)
salt and pepper to rub into fish head.
6 slices ginger
60gm mustard pickle-sliced
3 chinese cabbage leaves , cut
1 1/2 litres fish stock or chicken stock

1 pkt of dried rice noodle (vermicelli) bigger type
2 tomatoes- cut into wedges
2 stalks spring onions-cut 1" length
1 cube chicken cube or anchovy cube
1 tsp sesame oil
2 tbsp evaporated milk

How to make fish head noodle soup:
1. Deep fry the fish head to golden in high heat. Drain.
2. Heat little oil and fry the ginger. Return the fish head and add in stock and prickles. Let it boil for 15 mins.
3. Meantime soak noodle in hot water till soft.
4. Add the remain ingredients to the fish head soup. Let it boil for another minute.Season with extra pepper if desire.
5. Lastly add noodle and serve hot .

Alhamdulilah...kenyang.... aku ni tiap2 pagi suka beno tengok rancangan makan2 kat AFC. Kebanyakan respi orang cina Singapura. Sesekali cuba masakan cina pun sodap gak...

1 ulasan:

Hello ♥♥
Takmo komen ke? beberapa patah perkataan pun takpe ㋡